Education, Life, Music

"The Hard Way is the Right Way"

While the Europe is paralyzed by the volcanic ash and I am restrained from coming back to Cambridge, here is a quick recap of what I have been doing for the past couple of months.

1. Guitar

It looks like it is becoming a tradition - another vacation ends with a guitar video. This time - a short slow blues in Stefan Grossman's style. The usual apologies for the sound, video and playing quality apply.

Slow blues in E (Sefan Grossman's style).

2. Professional

The Chartered Institute for IT
I was accepted as a student member to the Chartered Institute for IT (former British Computer Society). For the next two years (at least) I should be reachable through this e-mail:

3. Studies

Without getting into the gory details, the outcomes of the Lent (read: second) term in Cambridge can be summarized by:

Mandelbrot Set

Mandelbrot set (1280x1024)

  1. a wallpaper "spit out" by ML depicting a rather standard Mandelbrot set fractal (on the right),
  2. an animation "spit out" by Java depicting eight-hundred generations of the spacefiller pattern in the Conway's Game of Life (further on the right),
  3. and an insane amount of material to prepare for the upcoming exams; both broad and not as shallow as I expected.

I am still extremely enjoying it, even though the amount of my spare-time has decreased. (As an afterthought - I still had time to play basketball for Blues, Lions and my college, so maybe it was not that bad).

4. Internship

Over the summer I will be working as a Technology Analyst for Morgan Stanley, in their Innovative Data, Environments, Analytics & Systems (IDEAS) group.

During the interviews Morgan Stanley really left a very good impression both at the level of knowledge of the people working there and the communication and culture inside the company. We will see if that applies in day-to-day situations. In any case, I have nothing against spending the summer in Canary Wharf and seeing the investment banking industry from inside.

It will surely give me more things to write about in this blog, so be sure to check back once in a while.

Internship Offer Packs from Morgan Stanley and Citigroup

Competition: internship offer packs from Morgan Stanley and Citigroup.

112 Kudos
Education, Life, Music

Unplugged in G

Another vacation, another video - as usual, apologies for the sound, webcam and playing quality. Three days left 'till the journey back to Cambridge.

Gel electrophoresis of Senecio vulgaris, S. squalidus and S. cambrensis DNA strands.

Gel electrophoresis of Senecio vulgaris, S. squalidus and S. cambrensis DNA strands.

Vacation status: haven't even touched anything related to Computer Science. On the other hand, brushed up on complex trigonometry/logarithms and series expansions (read: maths), and feel reasonably happy to discuss plant evolution through polyploidy (read: biology, see: picture on the right).

Post-vacation status update: apparently I did have to discuss plant evolution through polyploidy in my exam! What were the odds...

Anyway, here's the video. Oh, yes, and while we're at it - happy New Year to you all.

Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight (0:00/3:50),
Guns N' Roses - Wild Horses (3:54/6:16).

82 Kudos

Elevator Music

Elevator music <..> refers to the gentle instrumental arrangements of popular music designed for playing in shopping malls, grocery stores, department stores, telephone systems (while the caller is on hold), cruise ships, airports, doctors' and dentists' offices, and elevators. [Wikipedia,]

12 Kudos